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Tea, Spices, Batik and Gems

Home Adventure & Activities Tea, Spices, Batik and Gems
For decades Sri Lanka has been famous because of its resources for spices, tea, and gems.


The finest tea in the world is produced in Sri Lanka. Despite the change of name of the island in the year 1972, Sri Lanka’s tea is still branded & marketed as Ceylon Tea. Ceylon tea, with its fine, rich flavour & bright golden colour has no rival in terms of quality. Ceylon Tea remains a cornerstone of the economy of Sri Lanka, being the second biggest export behind clothing.

Sri Lanka is one of the biggest tea manufacturers in the world. Come with us to see what it takes to make premium Ceylon tea. You will get one in a lifetime experience to see how the tea leaves are plucked to how the tea tasting is done.

When traveling through the hills of Sri Lanka, you will experience that the cultivation of tea has become a jewellery of the landscape. Tea is known as a morning energy booster in most countries. Make sure to taste Sri Lanka’s finest tea, especially white tea, and green tea.


Sri Lanka is famous for some of the world’s finest cacao. The great part of cacao cultivation occurs in the Matale, Kandy, Badulla, Kurunegala, Kegalle and Monaragala districts. Who introduced cacao to Sri Lanka?

On 2 June 1603, Dutch admiral Joris van Spilbergen stood before King Vimaladharmasuriya I of Kandy. Van Spilbergen had just arrived after a journey of one year that brought him from Veere, in the Netherlands to Kandy. Apparently, the admiral made a good impression, because the two immediately developed a close friendship.

The King even became curious about the Dutch language of his new friend and decided to learn it. Little did they know that their friendship would start one of the two routes through which cocoa would reach Asia: the Dutch cocoa route. In fact, there were two separate cocoa introductions to Asia: the Dutch and the Spanish cacao route. The first brought cocoa from Venezuela, the second from Mexico.

The first cacao plantation in Sri Lanka was set up by the British in 1819 in Nalanda, near Matale.

King Coconut

King coconut is a variety of coconut, native to Sri Lanka, here in Sri Lanka we know it as Thambili. Less sugar content than regular coconuts, there are several sub varieties of the king coconut, the most common being the Red Dwarf (kaha thambili, commonly referred to as gon thambili). The other variety is Ran Thambili, a smaller variety containing about forty nuts in a bunch. The king coconut tree is shorter than coconut trees, and are found commonly growing wild in many areas of the country. King Coconut Water is a natural energy drink full of electrolytes. King Coconut water is often used in Ayurveda along with Aralu (Myrobalans) powder to “expel heat from the body”, therefore resulting in a feeling of freshness.


Today spices are used mainly to flavour food. In mediaeval times, however, spices played a more important role as food preserving agents. In the absence of fridges and freezers, people used spices to preserve food.

The Spice Garden is the perfect place for those who love enjoying a variety of spices. For centuries, spices have been one of the most celebrated exports in Sri Lanka. They have been used for medicines, cosmetics as well as to flavour the food. History says that the Greeks, Arabs & Malays had linked with the Sri Lankan business field through spice trade.

Spices provide ground for traditional Ayurveda. It is believed that Ayurveda is the science for a long life with a good physical & mental well-being with natural remedies such as fenugreek and cinnamon to control blood sugar, cloves as a treat for a toothache, ginger & peppermint to treat nausea, pepper and turmeric as an anti-inflammatory and more.
Step into the unpolluted, green garden, where you can see how herbs are grown in their natural environment, then learn how you can use them to enhance the taste of specialty meals. These spices will reveal to you the secret of traditional Sri Lankan dishes, which have great nutritional value as well as being delicious. This visit will help you to gain an insight into the long spice history of the island.



Sri Lankan batiks have many motifs and colours, some traditional, others highly modern and individual. Many designs are related to their origin. The material created by the batik-makers is used to produce dresses, shirts, sarongs, and beachwear well-suited for tropical climates.


Sri Lanka’s gem industry has a very long and colourful history and was once known as Ratna-Dweepa which means Gem Island. The name reflects its natural wealth. Marco Polo wrote that the island has the best sapphires, rubies, topazes, amethysts, and other gems in the world.

Things to do
in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka’s tropical nature is one of the most exotic natures in the world. Most tropical species like slender loris, leopards, wild cats and jungle cats, sloth bears and elephants can be witnessed in Sri Lanka. The Pearl of the Indian Ocean is also famous for migrating and indigenous birds.