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Wave Surfing

Home Adventure & Activities Surfing Wave Surfing
Sri Lanka is a great choice for a surfing holiday and has been a popular surf destination since the 1970’s. Not only the south-east beach area of Arugam Bay – which is still one of the Top 10 surf spots in the world – but also several other great surf points along the south coast, including Weligama, Hikkaduwa, Hiriketiya and Mirissa, surfers have many options. Sri Lanka’s monsoon weather patterns mean that one side of the island is always in season for watersports, so surfing in Sri Lanka is possible almost all year round.

Surfing Lessons

Sri Lanka is a fantastic choice for a surfing holiday, it has been a popular surf destination since the seventies. From Trincomalee on the east coast and Arugam Bay in the south-east, one of the top surf spots in the world, to lots of other great surf spots along the south coast, including Mirissa and Weligama, to Hikkaduwa, surfers have lots of choices to surf. Sri Lanka’s monsoon weather pattern means that one side of the island is always in season for water sports, so surfing in Sri Lanka is possible all year round. We will take you to the best places for your surfing lessons.

Surf Camps

Doing a surf camp is a holiday where you can combine your holiday with a surf course, one of the most beautiful water sports in the world, together with people who share the same interests. Surf Camp is a lot more, it is an amazing experience that is hard to tell and that is worth doing. SriLankan Pearl has the best surf camps for you with lodging and friendly instructors.

Surf Guided Tours - For experienced surfers

We know that Sri Lanka has the best waves for experienced surfers, our experienced surfer guides will take you to hidden and less famous places to surf around in Sri Lanka. Beaches like Hiriketiya and Arugam Bay are true beauties in this surfers’ paradise.
Surf Guided Tours - for experienced surfers